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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Who Makes JourneyInbox?

JourneyInbox is built by me, Matt Layman. You can learn more about me and the service on the about page.

How Do I Take My Journal Out Of JourneyInbox?

While I'm sad to see you go, I believe that your data belongs to you. Because of that, JourneyInbox has an export feature that lets you take your journal data at any time.

Is My Journal Private?

Privacy is important to me. JourneyInbox protects my own journal, so I care that it stays safe and secure! That protection extends to your journal too. Journals on JourneyInbox are encrypted to keep data private.

While data is encrypted, it is possible for me to view that data to administer the site. I have zero interest in viewing other journal and would only with the consent of the owner to troubleshoot a problem they experience with the service.

Journals on JourneyInbox are never indexed by search engines. Furthermore, I will never share or sell this data.